“Renai” (恋愛) is a Japanese word for romantic love. It is composed of two symbols that each separately also represent love—”koi” (恋) and “ai” (愛)—with subtle nuanced differences in their meaning. We liked the domain Ren.ai because it is one whole word and two separate words at the same time, but no matter how you choose to divide it, it will always mean love.
Jen and Bryan have been engaged since May 2003, so this has been a long time coming. It’s a big deal for us as you may have noticed by the way we are not exactly going low-key on a lot of things. It really means a lot to us that the day has finally come, and we couldn’t be more excited to share it with all of you.
A lot of work and thought has gone into many elements of our wedding, including this website. Our biggest wish is that people will be able to look at these things and enjoy them as an experience of their own, not just as an observer. Thank you for sharing in the most important time of our lives!
The journey to the wedding, mostly using Instagram.
The happy couple in 140 characters or less.
RT @carbor_draws: I’m doing 50% off party commissions! — #DnD #ttrpg https://t.co/rvPeSxoiay Follow Jen's Twitter
- RT @DCyann: Ok, let's go! Giveaway for +2K followers Winner gets a free portrait like the one in the example of their OC RT + Follow…
- @Myrmidia Congratulations on 30k!! This is my double-axe wielding, Druid/Ranger wood elf, Sylla. 望 https://t.co/ddemT2QcTF
- RT @Myrmidia: Thanks for 30 followers y’all, time for a lil giveaway! 懶 This is your chance to win a fully inked & coloured portrait. Lik…
- @rinrin1513 I’m so sorry, Rina :( I hope things get better for him and for you. https://t.co/dfFDvGOzSP
Missed some Avalonstar this week? NEVER FEAR! Here's "This Week in Avalonstar" for the week of September 11th, 2016! https://t.co/INJ68E5F0t Follow Bryan's Twitter
- "This Week in Avalonstar" for the week of September 4th, 2016! https://t.co/yv7S0ASeQG
- We're almost halfway through our t-shirt campaign, did you grab your pocket of cuteness yet? If not, you should... https://t.co/ritw4AEOhw
- If you're looking for Bryan, you'll find him over at @avalonstar. This handle is akin to carbonite for a Twitter account.
- RT @bryanveloso: This is @DarkSoulsGame, in a nutshell. https://t.co/FekF2KpqOU